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Advice for Students on How to Stop Being Lazy


“Laziness is the mother of nature” and many other folk sayings you have heard more than once, but how do you learn to fight this laziness? How to pull yourself together and start learning or doing something useful? This article will be useful for both university students and those who have long graduated because the fight against laziness is always relevant. In order not to be unsubstantiated smart guys from the Internet, who know everything and nothing, we interviewed a professional psychologist who helps Muscovites in difficult moments. She prepared for us some tips that will teach us to fight his laziness.

Proper self-indulgence

It sounds very simple, but in fact, it is very effective. You need to set yourself to take on the most difficult and tedious work with the installation that if it does not go, in 10-15 minutes you quit. In most cases, the case moves from a dead point, and then everything becomes easier, there is motivation to finish as soon as possible so that it never comes back. For example, you need to write an outline of philosophy. Yes, it’s uninteresting 90% of the time, but it must be done to get credit. All you need to do is overdo it.

Learn to plan wisely

Another method that is useful not only for students but for everyone. To achieve maximum productivity in a day, you need to plan your day as carefully as possible. The more elaborate and detailed it is, the more you will benefit from it. The planning process itself is best begun the night before the day’s work itself. And, what is also important, do not forget about rest (5-10 minutes will be enough) and the alternation of physical and mental work.

Work must be rewarded

For the self-talk process to work properly, the result must be felt, or at least the benefit of what you are doing must be felt. Therefore, psychologists recommend rewarding oneself in one way or another after successfully performing any labor-intensive activities. For example, when I felt bad I used to ask someone to help write my essay. But someone can buy something tasty at the end of the day, the other will pamper himself with new clothes. The main thing is not to break the rule: “The reward must correspond to the volume and labor intensity of the work done”, in other words, “the more you have done, the higher the reward”. Over time, this methodology will cause habituation and develop a conditioned reflex “work-reward” and, perhaps, a little later you will be able to work without a reward at all, avoiding lazy “lazy” days.

Organize your personal space

Another important element that many people forget is a clean and comfortable workspace. Put away all unnecessary items, group documents, and put them in folders. Otherwise, you’ll be constantly distracted from your work and will not be able to achieve the desired result. Rule the chaos, of course, good, but the order is much more pleasant.

According to Caesar’s precepts: ‘Divide and conquer’.

Caesar, even before our era, formulated the rule by which he divided his enemies and dealt with each of them separately. Psychologists recommend doing the same with large tasks that at first glance seem immense. Break down the scary business into several smaller and less frightening ones. For example, you have a task to clean the entire apartment, and it is a big, three-room apartment, you do not even want to take on it, although it is necessary. And you take and clean one room on the first day, the second day on the other, the third day in the kitchen, and so on. The method of splitting large tasks into smaller ones perfectly helps to adjust to the right mood and stop being lazy. So you’ll not only do your work without bothering yourself but also do it well.

Cultivate a habit

Of course, we are not animals, but psychologists believe that people can train themselves, bringing up a useful habit. And this is true, for example, anyone can educate himself to love morning exercises: at first, you will “cannot” do it, but then you will not even notice any problems and difficulties. For a student, it can be important to repeat the notes in the evening after the lessons, so that you can better absorb the material. The main thing is to force yourself to do it in the beginning, then it will be easier and easier.

Learn to rest properly

At first glance, this is pretty strange advice. “How can you not know how to rest?!” and other questions arise when looking at this point. But in reality, most people do not understand how to rest properly when given the opportunity. This advice is relevant to those who have the opportunity to go on vacation or rest for a week or two. The most important aspect of rest: a change of activity. If you spend time at work in front of the computer, and then come home and play consoles or the same PC, then psychologists do not consider it a rest. If possible, change the activity radically. Go on vacation to another country or a boarding house. If that option is not possible, just walk around, enjoy nature.

If you don’t change your type of activity, then life will gradually fall into a routine, and there is laziness, apathy, and depression.

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