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Guide To Switch From Physical To Online Kanban Board



There are many reasons why firms are still stuck with the physical board instead of switching to the online Kanban board. For one, the physical board is considered ideal to begin on the right foot since it gives an idea about the working of the Kanban method in a more fundamental way. Using the physical board can also get the team to commit to the basic idea of sharing work on a visual board. And if the team is co-located, then the physical board can be a great tool to get them to engage.


But the limitations of the physical board outcasts its benefits. The accuracy of the board solely depends on the physical access. This type of drawback might confine the modern working culture like working from home and bring them to operate on flexible working hours. And since all of these are considered a perk in the industries, you can’t compromise them.


This is where the need to move from the physical board to the online Kanban board becomes crucial. But how to make this shift seamless, and what precautions should you take during the change? Let’s find out through this blog post.

Make a list of your ‘Why’


You might have heard about the benefits of the digital Kanban board and don’t want to stick with the physical board anymore. But before making the shift or taking any step, you must sit down with your team members and discuss the actual need of making this change. Just talking about the advantages listed in an article isn’t going to help you since it’s necessary to find your particular reason for moving from the physical board to the online board.


You must discuss what you want to achieve from the switch and list the benefits specific to your firm. This will help you narrow down your goal of using the Kanban board online instead of throwing a wide net and capturing all the advantages.

Choose the right digital tool and don’t miss training


There are various Kanban tools on the online platform, and each one of them offers a unique mix of features. You have to be very specific with your approach since choosing the wrong Kanban tool can land you in trouble, and you might not be able to harness Kanban’s benefits.


You should first list down the features you are looking for, and this should be done by sitting down with your team. After that, filter down the options based on the features you are looking for.

Make a digital copy of your physical board


It might sound like a tempting idea to start working on the digital board as soon as you buy it, but you must resist this urge until everyone in the team gets familiar with the new digital board. Never try to push the digital board as a surprise for your team members since this will create chaos.


You must give time to the team members by creating a digital copy of the physical board as this allows the team members to learn how to use the new tools of the Kanban board.

Decide on how to use the new features


The digital Kanban board offers many new features, and there are maximum chances that you won’t find these features on the physical board. The addition of new features might affect how the entire team interacts and uses the board. Well, feeling fascinated just because of the long list of features offered by the digital board isn’t enough as you have to decide how to use the new features.


For example, if the team didn’t capitalize on due dates on the physical boards and a couple of team members start using due dates on the digital Kanban board online, might confuse the other team members.


If you regularly organize meetings in your firm, encourage the team members to share their experience with the new digital board and explain how they are using the unique features of the board.

Add WIP and lane policies


One of the most talked-about offerings of the digital Kanban board are WIP and lane policies, and you should use both of them after making the switch.


With lane policies, you can set guidelines for board usage on the digital board, and with WIP, you can set a limit for the number of tasks assigned to the team. This helps the team get rid of multitasking as it hampers the team’s efficiency throughout the project.


Using Kanban methodology is only the first step towards streamlining your project management approach, as you also have to make sure that you aren’t confined to the limitations of the physical board. Choose the right physical Kanban tool for your firm and let your team flourish on the digital advantage.

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