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How do blue light glasses help with growing digital dependency?

The proliferation of digital screens has not just impacted our mental health but is also leading to severe physical changes in our body. Most importantly, digital use has led to a significant rise in eye problems and only blue light specs online come to the rescue. Do these glasses really work? Read on to uncover the truth.

Effects of growing technological use in people

Technology and smart devices have completely turned the world upside down. Most of us are thankful for its advancement in science, entertainment, gaming, shopping and more. But we’ve also fallen prey to the detrimental changes caused by prolonged hours of digital consumption. It’s common now to hear about the adverse effects of social media; but the mental, cognitive and emotional damage on young teens to adults alike needs more recognition than ever before.

Technology is present in the form of internet, TV, smartphone, video games, e-reader, computer, tablets and others.

Here are the risks and health adversities that come along with digital use:

Headache: Staring at screens for hours on end can cause severe headaches, neck and shoulder pain in people. One of the early signs of negative digital impact is constant headache, that becomes even more severe at night if screen use exceeds 4 hours or more. The stress from constant news and content streaming contributes to headaches. It leads to visual changes and stress by intense glare from the screen.

To get rid of these strains, reduce your screen time and use the night time mode feature on your phone. It would help greatly to limit your smartphone use to cope up with stress, and ultimately lessen headaches and migraines.

Physical Inactivity: With multiple devices indoors alongside video game consoles, we’ve given up on nature and sports. Now, kids stay majorly on social media or live-stream on video games which is a growing concern among parents. The importance of sports and sunlight exposure cannot be stressed enough. A recent study emphasised that kids who spend a lot of time indoors are most likely to develop nearsightedness.

So we must work to find a middle ground where we can limit our screen time and dedicate some time to physical activities.

Obesity: The rate of obesity has tripled in the last two decades. For a healthy lifestyle, people must do 3-4 hours of daily exercise and interact with nature frequently for better breathing and physical health. With technology in use, physical activity is almost invisible from our lives and excessive binge-watch nature has emerged into our culture, making us obese every day now. From younger kids with TV addiction to adults with social media, obesity is now a growing concern.

Eye problems and discomfort: Blue light rays emitted from the digital screen cause various short-lived yet concerning eye problems. From eye strain to headaches, blurry vision, itchiness, redness, burning sensation and other, eye problems and discomfort surge every day now. The culprit to blame for the newfound eye discomfort is the damaging blue light rays that penetrate the retina. Its continuous absorption in the eye leads to the possibility of progressive eye diseases like age-related macular degeneration, and cataract.

Visual discomfort is so common now that it’s almost impossible to resume back to our screen. Luckily, blue light glasses do wonders in getting rid of digitally caused eye problems. These glasses block incoming rays and keep on protecting your eyes while offering enhanced comfort and relaxation to the eyes. A blue light coating is available for all pairs of women and men’s glasses, due to the growing demands by gamers and professionals.

Sleep Quality: Compulsive use of smartphone and laptop makes people insomniac. Blue light rays from the screen cease the production of a sleep-inducing hormone called melatonin. That results in awakeness and loss of sleepiness even when it’s dark and our body craves proper hours of sleep. The light from the screen manipulates your brain into thinking it’s daylight that makes your alert and attentive.

Now due to fewer hours of sleep, your next morning would be unproductive, full of tiredness and annoyance.

We can overcome such concerning health adversity with few additions and changes to our lifestyle. You can also try to limit your screen use by half an hour to feel mentally peaceful and chirpy. If you are a professional with regular screen use of 9 to 10 hours a day, using blue light glasses for eyes protection is a wise move. Specscart offers premium quality blue light glasses in a variety of designer frames, holding retro to eccentric collections. From iconic styled women’s glasses to men, you’ll discover impressive style at an affordable rate. Additionally, Specscart prescription and non-prescription lenses come with a free protective coating of anti-glare, anti-scratch and anti-UV. Go ahead and try their new arrivals with a free home trial for everyone with free shipping.

Title: How blue light glasses help to overcome screen adverse effects?

Description: Demands of blue light glasses tells us an increase in eye problems and discomfort caused by prolonged use of digital devices. Do these glasses help?

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