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How to create the perfect computer set up for online casino



Playing at an online casino is all about having fun, testing your luck and experiencing the thrill of an unpredictable game. Playing online blackjack, poker, slots or other casino games is a popular way for many people to relax and enjoy themselves in their free time.


When you sit down for a lengthy gaming session it is absolutely essential that you feel comfortable and that all your basic needs are covered. Without the right equipment, seating or surrounding environment, you will find yourself distracted from the game. Not only will this impact your performance, but also the enjoyment you get out of it.


There are lots of things to consider when building your perfect gaming set up. It is not a one-size-fits-all approach either, as what works for you may not be ideal for someone else. You can try out different set ups and adjust it over time.


Here are a few of the top things you’ll need think about in your set up design:


A gaming chair


A comfortable gaming session is impossible without the correct seating, particularly if you are someone who tends to immerse themselves in games for hours at a time.


If you have a bit of a budget to put behind your perfect gaming station, then you should consider using a good portion of it on a chair. Chairs that have adjustable armrests and leg heights can be really handy as you can change these based on the height of your desk and your own physique. Firm back support and a headrest can also go a long way towards ensuring you are comfortable and helping to avoid back pain or injury.


The ideal tech accessories


You may have found the best online casino games on the internet, but if your sound quality is poor and your mouse is lagging behind, then you aren’t going to be able to enjoy it properly.


A good headset is really important if you are playing games where sound matters. For online blackjack, the backing track really helps convey the theme and keep up the pace and excitement of the game.


Look for an ergonomic mouse for additional comfort. Many gaming mouses feature added buttons that you can tailor to your chosen set up. A wireless one will look great on your tabletop and prevent it feeling cluttered. If going wireless, just be sure to keep some spare batteries in your desk drawer, as a non-functional mouse is sure to put an end to your gaming fun.


A good-sized, sturdy desk


Speaking of desks, every dedicated gamer needs their own worktop to hold their PC, laptop and accessories. Being short on space doesn’t mean that you will have to resort to using the kitchen table, there are many creative solutions to be found in DIY, homeware or second-hand stores. For example, corner desks can help you maximise space in small or unusually shaped rooms.


For a sleek look, keep an eye out for a desk that has an in-built cable management system and storage drawers.


Take a look at your computer and its adjustable settings


Playing on your phone is fine for a few quick online casino games, however if you are logging in for a long gaming session that a bigger screen size is most likely needed.


You can also consider getting an additional monitor to hook up to your PC. If you are a bit of a multi-tasker then having two screens can help you to enjoy activities at once. You may have your social media feed, music playlist or favourite streaming service on one and your online games on the other.


Take time to go through your monitor settings and adjust brightness, text sizes and other elements to suit your personal preferences. This can have a bigger impact on your performance and focus than you may think.


Lighting (both natural and artificial)


There is nothing more irritating than the sun shining on your PC monitor and ruining your vision. A good pair of black out curtains or blinds can really help to improve your view on a bright day. Adding desk lights and lamps to the room can also help to give it a cosy feel.



Putting together your perfect gaming set up can take time and can sometimes be a matter of trial and error, but once you’ve got it right you will notice how much better your gaming experience can be.

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