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Samsung claims Apple delayed a foldable iPad/MacBook hybrid… again



Apple’s rumored foldable iPad/MacBook with a 20-inch display may not arrive as soon as anticipated due to ongoing “reliability issues with foldable screen technology,” according to a new report.

Apple has been widely rumored to be developing a foldable MacBook and iPad for the last few years. Earlier rumors suggested a potential 2026 launch, but more recently, it was speculated the device could arrive as early as 2025.

However, new comments from Samsung Display’s managing director, Baek Seung-in, indicate Apple still faces challenges in bringing a foldable hybrid model to market.

At an industry event in S. Korea, a Samsung executive highlighted improvements in the reliability of foldable displays but noted that problems remain compared to non-foldable displays. Apple is said to work with both Samsung and LG on foldable display development.

Samsung’s Baek Seung-in’s statement stated: (translated from Korean)

On the Samsung side, foldables are achieving their own success as new form factor products. Current laptops consist of the upper part of the screen and the lower part of the hardware and keyboard, but many companies (assuming Apple) are interested in displaying the entire [laptop].

Analysts say Apple is likely waiting until foldable screen technology matures before releasing its foldable MacBook or iPad. The company has a reputation for not being first to market but waiting to release more refined products once the technology has advanced.

While the rumored 20-inch foldable MacBook may not meet previous launch timelines, Apple is still actively pursuing the product. The company has patented foldable device designs, including a dual-display laptop concept like Microsoft’s triple-display.

The foldable MacBook would represent Apple’s first entry into the foldable device category, followed by a rumored iPhone Fold. But with foldable displays still facing durability challenges, Apple fans may need to wait a bit longer before the company’s first foldable products become a reality.

Source: The Elec via Apple Insider

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