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The Ultimate Dota 2 Guide for Phantom Assassin

You can get plenty of free kills with Phantom Assassin in Dota 2. She has the right set of skills to hunt enemy heroes in different lanes to gain bonus gold and experience throughout the match. Her abilities let players blink into battles and slash opponents within seconds to win team fights. Beginners to Dota 2 can read the ultimate guide for Phantom Assassin to improve their gameplay.


Dota 2 has over 100 characters with amazing abilities that make the strategy game fun to learn. Your party can specialize in various roles in each game to counter enemies and destroy towers. Roles like support and carry can be vital to carry out advanced tactics in Dota 2 to secure victory for your team. You can rely on carry heroes like Phantom Assassin to deal high amounts of damage with her physical attacks.


Take a look at the ultimate Dota 2 guide for Phantom Assassin to increase your win-rate.

Use Stifling Dagger to Get Last Hits

Phantom Assassin is an Agility hero with blazing fast attacks. Her attacks can be hard to miss and deal loads of damage to enemy creeps and heroes in Dota 2. You can level up Stifling Dagger before the first 5 minutes of the game to be able to farm faster in your lane.


At level 1, Stifling Dagger can be used to deal a base damage of 65. It deals bonus damage based on the Agility hero’s attack damage. Phantom Assassin can hurl Stifling Daggers from a safe distance to avoid getting hit by enemies. You can take out the ranged creep with Stifling Daggers to get easy last hits since they have lower health than melee creeps.


The low mana cost of Stifling Dagger makes it suitable for nuking enemy creeps. Each instance of Stifling Dagger costs 30 mana. You can buy a few Enchanted Mangoes and Clarity potions at the start of a match to regenerate mana during battles. People can stay close to the tower in the lane while farming with Phantom Assassin to gain bonus armor, reducing damage from incoming attacks.


Stifling Dagger has a cast range of 1150. You can slow down the movement speed of enemies by 50% with Stifling Dagger, allowing people to chase enemy heroes in team fights. The movement slow lasts for up to 4 seconds, giving your team adequate time to deal damage with physical attacks.


Escape Battles by Blinking Out

Phantom Strike can be a handy ability in Dota 2. Phantom Assassin can quickly blink in and out battles by using Phantom Strike. You can also use Phantom Strike on allied heroes and creeps to escape from fights.


She has a base health of 538. You can purchase a Magic Wand for 450 gold to increase her attributes. Phantom Strike requires 50 mana per cast. She can activate Magic Wand to regain mana and health to sustain damage from enemies. The instant regeneration granted by Magic Wand lets Phantom Assassin blink out of danger before she can be killed by enemies.


The carry hero can launch a counter attack on enemies easily with Phantom Strike. You can retreat from a lane till your allies approach enemy heroes for a team fight. Once the enemy hero is disabled or stunned by your teammates, you can hop into battles to annihilate your opponents. Phantom Strike provides Phantom Assassin bonus attack speed for 2.5 seconds. She can destroy her enemies with support heroes assisting battles in Dota 2.


Buy Items to Increase Attack Damage

Attack damage can play a crucial role in winning matches while playing Phantom Assassin. Her abilities like Stifling Dagger and Phantom Strike can wipe out the enemy team. You can purchase items that add attack damage to the carry hero in Dota 2 to gain more kills.


Falcon Blade can be bought for 1125 gold in the game. It provides 14 attack damage and 200 health to the Phantom Assassin. You can strike enemy creeps with Stifling Daggers to deal more damage in lanes with Falcon Blade. The item increases the mana regeneration rate of the Agility hero, letting her cast several Stifling Daggers without running out of mana in battles.


Phase Boots grants 18 attack damage to Phantom Assassin. She can chase enemy heroes by activating Phase Boots to prevent her foes from teleporting to their base. The increased armor gained by equipping Phase Boots for the Agility hero makes it an exceptional item for her.


Buying items like a Desolator and Battle Fury can turn Phantom Assassin into a killing machine. Desolator reduces the armor of her enemies by 6 for 7 seconds. She can eliminate enemy heroes effortlessly with her physical attacks using Desolator. Phantom Assassin gains a bonus attack damage of 50 from Desolator for the cost of 3500 gold.


Enter Team Fights Without Being Noticed

Phantom Assassin can disappear from sight using Blur. She remains unseen by her enemies for a brief moment by activating Blur in battles. You can blink onto an ally after using Blur to stay safe from enemies in any lane.


You can upgrade Blur by purchasing an Aghanim’s Scepter. Blur applies a dispel, removing negative effects from enemy spells on the carry hero. Getting a kill with the upgraded Blur resets the cooldown of her abilities, making it easier to slow enemy units. You can win tons of matches with Phantom Assassin by using Blur effectively in Dota 2.


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