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Why Turkish Hair Transplant Is So Popular

Hair transplant Turkey is becoming more and more popular every day as the number of clinics and specialists in the area increases every year. It becomes an option for those who are having trouble finding hair transplant procedures at a reasonable cost and clinics with qualified doctors.

Therefore, we aim to provide you with all the information you require in this article about Turkish hair transplant, including the benefits of the procedure and what Turkish hair transplant clinics have to offer.

What is a Hair Transplant?

A hair transplant is a procedure of moving the hair from the donor area, which is usually the back or side of the head, to the bald area. A local anesthetic is used during a hair transplant. When previous treatments for baldness or thinning hair don’t work, this method is used. This treatment is often suggested when patients don’t respond well to other treatments.

Although the restoration of hair takes a few months, the results are permanent and long-lasting since it relies on the restoration of hair by harvesting hair from the donor location and transferring it into the recipient area.

So, who are the suitable candidates for hair transplants? you might wonder. You are the right candidate for hair transplantation if you are one of the following:

  1. Male pattern baldness
  2. Women with thinner hair
  3. People who encountered hair loss due to e head or scalp injury

Remember that this technique is not advised for women with major hair loss, those who lost their hair as a result of chemotherapy or medication, and those who don’t have enough donor locations to transfer the hair to the bald area.

Why Turkish Hair Transplant is So Popular?

Baldness and thinning hair are global problems that affect people all around the world. What distinguishes Turkey from other countries in terms of seeking solutions? You may ask. When it comes to hair transplantation, Turkey is one of the top nations.

When it comes to employing the FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) procedure for hair transplantation, Turkey is among the leading countries. This makes hair transplant in Turkey quite popular.  Turkey is advantageous to patients in terms of expertise and prices because it is well known for the FUE procedure.

Many people strive to find countries that offer reasonable services as well as specialists in hair transplantation because the costs for the operation, transplantation, and rehabilitation require time and a high budget. When you consider these characteristics, Turkey is the first that springs to mind.

Turkey is a prominent destination for hair transplants due to its popularity in medical tourism. Turkish hair transplantation includes more than only treatment for patients from around the globe. Along with the surgical procedure, it also focuses on increasing the health and comfort of patients by providing lodging and transportation.

Why is Turkey a Leading Hair Transplant Destination?

Turkey was one of the first nations to employ the Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) technique, as was previously mentioned. Hair follicles from all over your head are transplanted to bald or thinning areas of your scalp with FUE using very small needles. It’s one of the most used methods of hair transplant and Turkey is one of the leading countries when it comes to it.

Since the FUE technique is carried out by a surgeon, expertise is required because it’s important to support the patient before and after the procedure. This is why Turkey is one of the countries that comes to mind when considering hair transplantation.

What Do Turkish Hair Transplant Clinics Offer You?

You might be curious about what Turkey hair transplant clinics have to offer that you won’t find elsewhere. Check out these advantages of Turkish hair transplant clinics to get your questions and concerns answered:

  1. The surgery costs less than in European nations
  2. It has skilled and specialized surgeons when it comes to FUE technique
  3. Clinics in Turkey offer services such as airport and hotel transportation before and after the surgery

Hair Transplant Statistics in Turkey

You may get affordable prices for the best hair transplantation experience in Turkey when you search online. It is a reasonable choice for people looking for a means to treat their baldness or thinner hair and the treatment ranges in price from $1500 to $3000. When compared to the US and other European countries, the average cost of a hair transplant in Turkey is $2500.


In conclusion, we talked about Turkish hair transplant and explained why Turkish hair transplant is popular all around the world. We hope that this article has helped you decide whether or not you should have a hair transplant in Turkey.

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