
Do you want to have metro start menu in win 8? if yes our best friends PeterRollar create a Skin for Vistar and you can use in win8/7/vista/xp.

The file is a Vistart theme file. Simply doubleclick it and you are done with installing the new skin.

Vistart the free start menu for Windows 8 and older Windows versions got a "double" major update with lots of new and improved features. Vistart has of course all the features that you expect from a windows start menu and then some more. One of the best features in comparison of some paid alternatives like Start8 from Stardock, is of course that Vistart 8 is completely free while having more features and functionality.

Now ViStart comes with 3 Start Menu skins and 4 Start menu buttons pre installed and a completely renewed skin manager making Vistart the best customizable Start menu on the net.
New control panel with lots of extra features
Skip the Metro and boot directly to your windows 8 desktop
Right click on “Apps” search result to pin a app to the start menu.
Runs on Windows 8, Windows 7, Vista and XP
And over 20 new extra features and improvements


Download Vistar here

