Hi,just have a tiny little problem i don’t like orange color which you have on this theme and if i select other style the right click menu changes to white :/ any help on this. sorry for my bad English.
I’ve installed your skin pack and it looks real nice. However, when I go to a website i.e. YouTube, everything I ‘search’ for has white background and also white letters. So I can’t see what I type. Hope you understand and will be able to tell me a solution.
When I install this and click on Internet Explorer, I receive such error; “iexplore.exe – Entry Point Not Found — The procedure entry point shell32.SetCurrentProcessExplicitAppUserModelID could not be located in the dynamic link library api-ms-windownlevel-shell32-l1-1-0.dll.”
I have no idea why I get this, or even how to fix this. Any ideas?
Hi,just have a tiny little problem i don’t like orange color which you have on this theme and if i select other style the right click menu changes to white :/ any help on this. sorry for my bad English.
we will fix it in next version
I love this theme it is really beautiful, but some software on the writing in white on white background problem (eg skype: http://www.mediafire.com/view/655bb5ufkq68753/skype.jpg) how?
I’ve installed your skin pack and it looks real nice. However, when I go to a website i.e. YouTube, everything I ‘search’ for has white background and also white letters. So I can’t see what I type. Hope you understand and will be able to tell me a solution.
dont install shell32.dll
When I install this and click on Internet Explorer, I receive such error; “iexplore.exe – Entry Point Not Found — The procedure entry point shell32.SetCurrentProcessExplicitAppUserModelID could not be located in the dynamic link library api-ms-windownlevel-shell32-l1-1-0.dll.”
I have no idea why I get this, or even how to fix this. Any ideas?
its not support last version of iexplorer we fix it soon
pls make this skin pack for windows 8 too..i love it…thnx
[…] the theme ? You can get it from here for […]
after boot my laptop just stuck on login screen. why?
run safe mode and uniistall pack , then install it from safe mode again
Is it possible it may slow down you’re computer?
please help me i applied the skin but the folders icons and every icon did not change what should i do please can you help !!!!!
just run refresh icone cache
i try to install this skin pack but when i install it,it just install the vlc player,not the skin pack.please help me :(
X64: Download
X86: Download
LOL Love this skin pack WHY? Because Im a Gamer and called Bluemango97 :D ITS MY SKIN PACK :D