Transform Windows 7/8.1/10 to iOS 15
Download from gumroad for $4.99
macOS &iOS SkinPack Collection
Best work on 100% scale and layout size, you need to set it from display setting, Also for enable start menu and taskbar skin you need to install startisback from
Malware/virus warning? Read the FAQ.
Windows 7/8.1/10 [X86_X64]
Windows XP users can download this SkinPack from here
Note: Please unistall old or other version of skin packs before install new one. if your theme not changed or its like classic windows you need to install uxtheme patcher from here and after restart select new theme from personalization.
Use it at your own risk! Because skin packs will change file system (imageres.dll) to change icons so anti virus give warning, please disable temporary if you’re using anti virus. If you do not want this, you can not use SkinPack, sorry! all theme have been fully tested, once purchase has been completed no refund will be available, however we will try to provide all possible technical assistants as required.
You’re advised to Create a System Restore Point before installing skinpack.If you have problem with install or uninstall skinpack, please check our help page.
Does it works on win7 32bit..?
my all icons and startup screen did not changed
what version of your windows
how can i find a new widget more attractive ?
from gallery
how can i open dashboard wiged
run widget from dock
This New version ?
will it work on windows 8.1 pro preview??
we dont test yet
the Folder Skin is still like Windows Folder Skin and Other Windows Icon even the start button
do you install last version?
plz uplod ubuntu skin for win 8…..x64
Hi skinpack I wan’t to let you know theres something wrong with my computer
Themes installed (3) I reboot and the screen Is black..
I got here bye one of my DLL fixers and I need a awnser its moms laptop and its broken I need this. I cant play ROBLOX or Minecraft make a uninstaller then contact me
are you install last version??
I didn’t know my version it was neither 68 or 64 bit I’m not that good
its support both version
Hai its meh again
thanks for the tip
(accidently downloadin the windows 7 version
Me too
whats the problem
can this skinpack installed to ipad 1 ?
Can you make “title bar” look like iOS?
In win8 title bar look exactly like iOS but in win7 it’s not change.
just select other ios theme from Personalization
Still the same….
first patch uxtheme manualy
Very thaks