


Google is introducing new functionalities to help solve math and science problems just by its Search feature.

In its blog post, Google highlighted its latest features for solving math equations and word problems and getting interactive 3D diagrams for STEM-related topics. The company mentioned:

“Whether you’re delving into a math textbook or turning to Search to get more context on a complicated physics problem, it can sometimes be hard to describe exactly what you’re looking for. Take that intricate biology concept or pesky geometry problem, for example. With new features across Search and Lens, you can now visualize STEM-related concepts and figure out which equation to use by browsing for them in a more natural and intuitive way.”

The latest update to Google Search lets users type in their equations or integrals to get the solution to their questions. They can also scan the equation by taking a picture with Lens which will provide them with a step-by-step answer. Furthermore, if it is a geometry question, users can also use Lens to share the question at hand without needing to type it out.

Otherwise, they can type “math solver” in the Search bar. While the feature is available on desktops, the mobile version will be coming out soon.



Another additional utility Google has added is the word problem solver. Now, by typing in a word problem, Google will be able to share the solution owing to the advancements in its language model. The topics for the word problems would be starting from fundamental ones from high-school physics.



Lastly, Google has added 3D interactive diagrams to Search alongside definitions and overviews of almost 1000 biology, chemistry, physics, astronomy, and related topics. The company claims that these 3D models help visualize complex concepts, for example, a user could see a 3D model of mitochondria to see the inner membranes or folds.

Recently, Google also announced more features to its Maps app including Artificial Intelligence to bring more accurate search results. It is also using AI to update information regarding speed limits and EV charging stations, among other capabilities.


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