

Online casino games have become popular for many reasons, from their entertaining nature to accessibility. However, it’s the promise of rewards that draws players daily. In response to this trend, developers have created progressive jackpot games.


To learn what these games are and how progressive jackpots work, keep reading. This article will explore their mechanics and gameplay, helping you choose and master your preferred progressive jackpot title hassle-free.

What Are Progressive Jackpot Games?

Before we discuss how progressive jackpot games work, you need to understand what they are. The simplest way to explain their mechanics would be to compare them with regular casino games. 


Namely, progressive jackpot games look like any other piece of entertainment content on modern gaming sites. In fact, most of them fall under jackpot slots — the dominant game category in the majority of online casinos. However, keep in mind that these differ from other slots, as they offer larger rewards and feature an unconventional payout system. 


The more players invest in progressive jackpot games, the more their winning potential grows. Their maximum reward increases until someone hits the winning combination and resets the meter. As a result, these rewards can reach up to seven figures — much more than most other casino games can offer. Paired with their straightforward and fast-paced gameplay, this advantage makes them popular with all types of casino players today.

How Do Progressive Jackpots Work?

Progressive jackpot games come with a fixed seed amount, usually as a result of an agreement between the game developer and the casino site hosting it. This is the minimum reward that the game can yield to winners.


Once casino goers start playing the game, the seed amount grows by a percentage of the amount each user invests in it. The reward pool may accumulate based on all investments from that one game only or a whole network of progressive jackpot games from the same developer. 


Whatever the case, the sum rises in the same manner, eventually creating a massive progressive jackpot, much like lottery rewards. Whoever wins the jackpot next gets the total amount automatically credited to their casino account. 

What Are the Best Progressive Jackpot Games to Play?


There’s no definitive list of the best progressive jackpot games you can play online. With developers releasing new titles every week and players having different tastes, preferences vary widely. However, a few factors are worth considering when selecting a progressive jackpot game to ensure you make the best possible choice.


  • Learn the games’ current jackpot value — Progressive jackpot games’ rewards rapidly change. Make sure your game offers the amount you’re interested in pursuing before you start investing your coins. You may find this amount displayed on the game’s icon or learn it on its developer’s official site or from customer support.
  • Check the game’s RTP — Like all other casino games, the winning potential of progressive jackpots hinges on their RTP. So, don’t let a huge jackpot amount distract you. Pick a game with a solid RTP to increase your chances of securing the grand reward.
  • Consider the game’s stake limits — Some progressive jackpot games require you to stake the maximum amount to qualify for the jackpot reward. Review each game’s Info section to see if this requirement applies and decide whether you should play it based on your bankroll and gaming style.

How to Play Progressive Jackpot Games

Playing progressive jackpot games is not much different from playing any other casino game type. Here’s all you need to do:


    1. Choose the right game based on the advice from the previous section.
    2. Check the game’s paytable to learn about its rules, gameplay, and special features.
    3. Decide on the amount you should invest based on the game’s limits, jackpot requirements, and your bankroll.
    4. Start playing with GC to understand its mechanics and develop a strategy.
    5. Invest SC and aim for the jackpot.
  • Good luck!



Everforest Refresh Deeporange for 7TSP
Everforest Refresh Green for 7TSP

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