

Do you like Windows icons? Do you want to have Windows icon? This is really awesome icons , hope you like it, enjoy it and have fun!

1- Download and unpack the file archive using 7zip.

2- Only icons in .ico format are suitable for installation in Windows. PNG will need to be converted beforehand.

3- For the desktop: Right-click in an empty area and select “Personalize”. In Windows 10/11 you can also go through Settings (Win+I shortcut). Click the “Desktop icon options” link in the sidebar. In the window that opens, highlight the desired block (trash can, network, computer) and click “Change icon”. Now, use the “Browse” button to find the icon in Explorer. Use “OK” to save the changes.

4- For folders: right-click on the desired folder and select “Properties” in the context menu. In the “Setup” section, click “Change icon”. Proceed in the same way as in the previous point (select an icon in Explorer, save).

5- For disks: copy the .ico file to the root directory of the disk. Create a text document “autorun.inf” with the following content, where “skinpacks-com.ico” is the name of your file: [Autorun] Icon=skinpacks-com.ico



Radial Icons Set 2
Tohs Icons

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  1. Mocote October 9, 2014 at 10:36 am - Reply

    I already download file zip, But I don’t know to use, Please teach me.

  2. Angga September 30, 2014 at 9:20 am - Reply

    haw to use icon pack installer, ireally dont understand !

    • Hamed September 30, 2014 at 10:37 am - Reply

      just add your res files and create setup

      • zur April 4, 2016 at 1:05 pm - Reply

        can you explain a bit plz

  3. amit dua September 23, 2014 at 8:24 pm - Reply

    how to use it???

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