

The promise that Microsoft made to the millions of people using Windows 10 is that the user experience will be improved. If the user experience was average before, then it just nosedived. There are a number of problems with the new Windows 10 update that Microsoft has put out to its users.

To not beat about the bush, Microsoft has now come out to say that the March 2020 update of Windows 10 has plenty of severe problems that the user will experience while using it. So, we thought that it is better for users to know what these problems are.

Broken Internet connection

The March update of Windows 10 does have a lot of problems but the biggest of them has to be the broken internet connection. The support page of Microsoft now has it that a bug can affect all versions of Windows Server and Windows 10 which will cause the apps and software to become slow or stop to access the internet outrightly.

According to a recent online assignment help, devices that use an auto-configured or manual proxy, especially those with VPN (a virtual private network), might not show any internet connection status (or might be limited) in the device's NCSI (Network Connectivity Status Indicator).

Users might experience this issue when just disconnect from or are connected to a VPN. It happens when they are changing their state between these two phases. The devices that have this problem might also not be able to connect to the internet with applications that use WinInet or WinHTTP. Some of the applications that are likely to be affected when the device is in this state are Microsoft Office, Internet Explorer 11, Microsoft Teams, Outlook, Office365, and some Microsoft Edge versions.

You would have realized that this is a major problem with these examples. However, according to Mark Cutts who provides assignment help at best essay help, this problem can be mitigated by restarting the device. 

Boot Failures

When releasing this Windows 10 update, as well as Windows Defender’s new Security Intelligence, they actually solved the problem of broken antivirus scans in Microsoft Defender. However, they have now come out to disclose that the update does have a well-known issue, which is that it might not allow your computer to boot.

Microsoft also made it known that devices that run Windows 10 do not usually start if it has Secure Boot on.  This is something they claim to be working on and will fix in future updates.

Microsoft has also now gone ahead to state how Windows 10 users can work around this problem. However, this isn't for the lighthearted.

  • Enter the BIOS after restarting the device.
  • Turn "Secure Boot" off. Then restart the PC.
  • Run: "%programdata%\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Platform\4.18.1901-7\MpCmdRun.exe" -revertplatform" in the prompt window for administrative command
  • Wait a minute before continuing with the following:
  • Verify if the Windows Defender is running by running sc query win defend.
  • Also, verify that the binary for Windows Defender is no longer the one for version 4.18.1901.7 by running sc QC win defend.
  • Restart your PC, enter the BIOS again, and turn the Secure Boot on.

BSOD, Deleted Files

It seems like each Microsoft update wants to stop having issues bigger than the previous update. The update from mid-April made to fix a previous bug has another problem of its own. Users of this update have reported that the files they saved on their drives (document folders, pictures, etc.) are being deleted, and also apps from Microsoft stores are deleted. 

Some of the deleted files might find its way to the recycle bin. So, you should check to confirm that your files are not in it before you empty the bin.

While some people experience this crash every time, there are others that report it occasionally. So, this error and the blue screen associated with it are experienced more frequently by some people than some others.

According to some authors at the best writing service, this problem has not been addressed yet by Microsoft, so the best thing to do is to uninstall this update.

If you are looking to avoid further problems with Windows 10 updates or there is an issue you can’t handle, you might want to consider uninstalling Windows 10 updates

How to Uninstall Windows 10 Updates

The following steps will help you to uninstall minor Windows 10 updates.

Go to settings in Windows. Then click on “Update and Security.” Afterward, view update history and uninstall updates.

In that window, go down the main pane to the heading with “Microsoft Windows.” Here you will see the security updates and KB for Windows 10, and the dates that they were installed. Right, click the update that you are willing to uninstall. Then reboot your system.

Another way for you to avoid problems from future Windows 10 updates is to be in-charge by blocking and deferring these updates.

Blocking and Deferring Windows 10 Updates

Since you do not want to have to deal with problems with recent updates. Then you have to take control of the timing of the updates on your PC. This should be your very first step. It allows you to hold off getting in the new updates as Microsoft releases them. This buys time for you to monitor the news around the update and get information on whatever errors are in the update. Afterward, you can decide to install the update by yourself.

It is actually very simple to accomplish. Just go to your settings. Then click on update and security. From there, click on the window update. From this window, you have an option that allows you to determine when the update comes in. Click on “Choose when updates are installed.” Then decide how long you want to delay the update.

This is the easiest way to overcome problems with Windows 10.


There are fewer things more frustrating on your PC than installing an update in order to improve on a problem, only for you to have to deal with worse problems with the update. Unfortunately, this is something that is becoming the status quo with Microsoft Windows.

It is unknown if the problem is a testing problem on the path of Microsoft or they are usually eager to release a fix that they fall short with other things as well.

Author’s Bio

Michael Gorman is a highly skilled freelance writer and proofreader from the UK who currently works at essay writing service UK. He also contributes with academized reviews at Uni assignment help. Being interested in everyday development, he writes various blog posts and discovers new aspects of human existence every day.



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  1. Microsoft 365 consultants May 30, 2024 at 11:51 am - Reply

    It’s good to see microsoft working on fixing the new windows 10 update problems like crashes and boot failures. These updates are important for security and performance. To handle these issues better, businesses can get help from microsoft 365 consultants. They offer solutions and support to keep everything running smoothly.

  2. BDSM May 23, 2024 at 12:03 pm - Reply

    C’est juste incroyable !

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