The new version of Alienware Skin Pack is here now! the best experiences of Alienware in Windows. in this new version we update many parts of pack, now the installer not need to restart your Windows and it will transform your Windows to Alienware just in a few minutes, we fix all bugs and problems in pack and update many things, also now one installer works on Windows 8/8.1 and Windows 7. Hope you like this new pack and enjoy it!
Transform Windows 8/8.1/7 to Alienware
Windows 8/8.1/7/SP1 [X86_X64]
Version 2.0
Added both of Win8 and Win7 installer in one installer
Added last version of uxstyle
Added theme resource changer
Change logon screen with registry
Change icons and theme without restart system
Enable aero in windows basic
Updated icons and styles
Fixed bugs and problems
Remove riscky files
Version 1.0
-Initial release
I fixed the problem..I had a previous skin pack I un-installed it then re-installed your skin pack and it works was my fault..U may say something in installation notes for people to let them know it can not be installed over other skin packs…thanks guys…nice job
thanks for report
so U don’t have a fix now…how did u get it to work on the video u posted?
some os not support yet
I like these icon…but..when it finished installing it would not load the control panel nor would it let me use personalization function.can U please give me some help to correct this…thanks
we will fix it soon