Transform Windows 10 to Windows 11 Dark
Download from gumroad for $4.99
Windows 11 SkinPack Win10
Best work on 100% scale and layout size, you need to set it from display setting, Also for enable start menu and taskbar skin you need to install startisback from
Note: if you have problem with taskbar, start button or start menu then set taskbarx, start button and start menu setting like this:
Malware/virus warning? Read the FAQ.
Windows 10 [X86_X64]
Note: Please unistall old or other version of skin packs before install new one. if your theme not changed or its like classic windows you need to install uxtheme patcher from here and after restart select new theme from personalization.
Use it at your own risk! Because skin packs will change file system (imageres.dll) to change icons so anti virus give warning, please disable temporary if you’re using anti virus. If you do not want this, you can not use SkinPack, sorry! all theme have been fully tested, once purchase has been completed no refund will be available, however we will try to provide all possible technical assistants as required.
You’re advised to Create a System Restore Point before installing skinpack.If you have problem with install or uninstall skinpack, please check our help page.
I just paid for the Dark Skinpack for Wind11 but they did not send me the password
Can I get my money back? For me it didn’t work on Windows 11 21h2
mmm.. i’m not from the skinpacks team but let me say this at least.
try to read everything carefully before you decide anything, especially if it concerns about money. it is clearly stated that the skinpack only support Win 10 21h1 not 21h2, is it really that hard to read everything?
21h1 to 21h2 is such a small thing. It is not difficult to read, but it is ridiculous not to bear it. For a person who is not on the team, you are quite annoyed.
we will update it after release windows 10 21h2 final
can this support windows 7 also? im scared downloading it, because i did a windows 10 skinpack and it supports windows 7, can this also support windows 7?
Can this skinpacks also be used in Windows 10?
Not working properly in Version 21H2 (OS Build 22000.71)
as you can see in details its support 21h1 not 21h2
hi! i like the theme so far.. i downloaded the free version, but i there’s something i want to ask, what should i do to keep some app like ms excel and powerpoint white/bright? my ms excel background is also darkened along with the theme and some part of my presentation as well, even tho i’ve changed the office theme to white. it’s hard for me to read the data and numbers.. thank’s before..
Thanks! is this method also work on presentations (powerpoint) or just for excels? anyway, thanks for replying and have a nice day (or night depending on your timezone haha) :))
i paid 2x too and i can’t download
…..or just run Windows 11 which is a free upgrade for 10 users!
It didn’t install startscreen and taskbarx, it only installed theme, and icons, not startscreen and taskbarx.
free version not have this feature
I’ve bought full version, and there is no the “startscreen” option in apps.
its in all programs, you need to pin it to taskbar by your self
There is nothing in the skinpack folder, only shows uninstall and website. there is no startscreen and also no taskbar x like it shows on the picture.
free version not have this feature
The problem is, there is no startscreen and taskbarx in the skin pack folder. It’s only uninstall and website. So i can’t pin anything to taskbar. I check the installation folder. The “startscreen” and “taskbarx” is not there. So how can I pin those two to the taskbar if the file is not there. I bought the full version, and that’s the problem. I understand about your explanation that you show in the link and the screenshot. But, the problem is the file is not exist.
this features just availabe on full version
Me too, do you solve the problem?
to have taskbar like screen shot first pin startscreen from all programs and disable start button from taskbarx setting like this:
to have taskbar like screen shot first pin startscreen from all programs and disable start button from taskbarx setting like this:
Me too, I’ve bought the full version, but there is no startscreen option in skin pack folder. So do you solve the problem?
to have taskbar like screen shot first pin startscreen from all programs and disable start button from taskbarx setting like this:
I bought it and it is nothing else than in the free advertising (no icons) am I doing something wrong?
unistall free version then install full version
This is great article it is very useful thank you so much.