
With the explosion of the internet and technology in the last 20 years, it is only natural that it evolve with the younger generation. This means it is prevalent in their daily lives at home, during activities, and even at school. Kids and teens alike are seemingly dependent upon phones, ipads, and computers. Technology drives them apart from human interaction, distracts them from daily activities, and causes health problems. However, could there be any good that could come from this? While there is much controversy around the involvement of technology in the school system, there are actually many ways in which it can benefit and enhance education.

Every person learns things differently. Some learn better from lessons appealing to the auditory senses, such as listening to lectures, podcasts, listening to music while learning, or just conversation. Others may find it more beneficial to tailor their learning to visual senses. This would easily be achieved by watching tutorials, videos, seeing example photos, or following along with written-out examples. Using technology also allows students to multitask, which actually proves to be very beneficial. This can allow them to get multiple assignments done at once, listen to music, or even take breaks easier. This can help prepare them for future work and jobs where many things need to be accomplished at once, or just allow them to feel more comfortable while working. The role of technology in supporting education extends to even writing thesis papers, where online resources and tools aid students in their academic endeavors.

Communication between student, parent, and teacher is much more streamlined with the advent of technology. With email, students and teachers can effectively pass information regarding questions, scheduling, or assignment submittal. Many websites like Google Drive and Google Classroom also help connect the classroom setting virtually. Teacher and parent video conferences are also possible which is very beneficial to the working parent. There are even some apps, which allow for the teacher to relay information to students and the students cannot respond directly, which promotes safety and allows for ease of communication.

Keeping things paperless is also a great benefit of technology. Without having to carry folders, notebooks, pens, paper, and heavy backpacks, students will be more organized and have less to worry about. This will allow their focus to be more placed on their work. Teachers also will not need to lug 50 students reports home, but be able to have them all in the cloud on Google Drive, allowing for easier grading, faster conveyance of feedback, and an orderly portfolio of work. Without needing to buy heavy textbooks and just have online versions makes it easier for students to find specific pages, carry their books around, and helps to save trees and money over the long term.

Having technology will also encourage students’ creativity. Having access to programs like blogging, YouTube, and websites will help to foster students’ imaginations. This could even lead into potential work. Encouraging content creation can get students to not only promote their learning, but could earn them money while still in high school, giving them a serious edge. This could be through blog writing, making YouTube videos, become college homework helper, and so much more. This will help to create innovative and independent entrepreneurs from a young age.

Preparing the young generation for the future with exposing them to technology and allowing them to learn the ins and outs of it at a young age is very useful, too. Letting children learn Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and more will not only allow them to complete homework and school projects easier, but will prepare them for the workplace. Having things like this on a resume will be extremely beneficial as so many jobs require technology use and having it under their belt is only going to make them stand out more.

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The use of technology can lead to life lessons of responsibility and productivity. Allowing students to own a tablet, computer, laptop, or even mobile device helps them to learn the value of being responsible with such an expensive piece of technology. It may also help foster productivity. Instead of associating technology with entertainment and social media, they can learn to associate it with learning, motivation, and betterment.

Overall, while there is much disagreement about the use of technology in school education, there are numerous advantages not to be overlooked. It allows students to learn on their own and provides teachers with a way to share extra information without cutting into personal time. It promotes cultivation of communication between all parties much easier. It aids to all ways of learning to help students be interactive and actively learn. It allows students to entertain creative outlets and prepares them for the future. Lastly, it helps to create long lasting life goals and lessons. Clearly, technology holds a very pivotal role in the future of education.


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