The number of students carrying Mac computers to college is increasing at a remarkable pace. Thus, the debate for which laptop is the best for a student continues to grow irrespective of the student’s major. However, it is important that you purchase a computer that fits your personal use needs. But before then, there are various factors you need to consider when buying a laptop for your school tasks. It is difficult to give a response as to whether a mac computer is better and efficient that one which runs on Windows.
Nonetheless, your personal preference for macs or pc for college will be the biggest and most ideal factor to consider when buying a computer. Also, below are the factors you need to consider which can help you identify the best laptop for you.
macOS vs Windows
As aforementioned, it is hard to state which computer is best for you. And it is upon you to select one which fits your personal needs. According to experts from PerfectEssay, these computers have different characteristics and features. Hence, they carry out their processes in a different manner. But, if you do not have a strong preference and you are in search of a tiebreaker for Mac vs PC, put the following factors into consideration.
It is no surprise that Mac computers are more expensive than Windows. Some people view the extra cost to be worth it while others view it as a rip-off. Regardless, most students would choose a Mac over a PC because it has fewer ads and a signature for third-party corporations.
A PC, on the other hand, has many ads and because of the Chromebook, which has an amplification with the ads, students would not want to see these ads during their studies or working on their assignments.
But, when it comes to buying what they can afford, a student will have to go with a PC as it is cheaper. Contrariwise, an engineering student will choose Mac because of its user-friendliness.
All new Mac computers have a one year warranty. And when you purchase it, it is better to buy the AppleCare+ extended warranty as it extends the warranty period for three years while and supplements coverage for accidental damage. Allan Smith from a fast-growing writing service Custom Essay Order says:” PC manufacturers, on the other hand, offer typical and protracted warranty coverage which covers labor and parts for manufacturer defects. It is also important to buy accidental-damage protection which takes care of accidents such as liquid spills.”
Viruses and spyware
Another significant difference between mac and PC is that macs are prone to experiencing viruses and spyware-related issues. In that case you must check this best internet security for mac.
PCs, on the other hand, have secure versions of Windows. And, Microsoft continues to go to great lengths to warranty security and protection on their devices. But, despite all these, Windows are a primary target for most spyware and viruses on the internet.
When debating whether to purchase a Macintosh or Windows, you need to consider their compatibility. Mac computers have various compatibility issues. But if you use a BootCamp (an in-built program which allows you to run Windows on iOS), you will not ensure the compatibility issues.
PCs do not have any compatibility problems. However, this may happen if your professor wants you to use a Mac. But, this is often rare.
Light machines are very efficient in boosting productivity. Most mac computers are often heavy despite the type of computer.
PCs have alternating weights. So, you have various options to choose from as to which laptop you would want.
Battery life
The last thing you would want as a student is a computer with bad battery life. It is important to have a computer with a long battery life. Mac laptops have the best battery lives as they can conduct several operations while still saving energy.
Windows, on the other hand, come in different forms of battery lives. Some have a longer battery life such as Asus ZenBook, while others have a short one.
When purchasing a computer, you will get what you pay for. You may purchase a computer at a great price as it comes with a discount. However, you may buy a new one sometime later. Thus, you need to ensure that you buy a laptop that will serve you for a longer period.
Another crucial feature you should consider is how productive you can be on your computer. While working on a mac laptop, it is difficult for you to experience any technical or hardware-related issues. And if this happens, it will not take a while to fix
However, for PCs, it is different. A PC might malfunction with ease if you bombard it with numerous operations at a go. And, fixing it can take a while.
Students and their preference
Most students will choose Mac computers because of their user-friendliness and the antivirus software they have. Also, they have fewer ads and third-party signatures. Someone says that for example writing essays or other assignments much faster on Mac. However, you can find some professional help from and save even more time.
In conclusion, the debate for the type of computer to carry to school will always be on the rise. And, as a student, you need to know which laptop you want to have in school on the basis of your preference. Additionally, above are some factors that you need to consider when purchasing a laptop as they can help answer your, ‘Should I get a mac or pc?’ question. And, if you are still doubtful about the laptop you find best for your needs, you can rent a PC and Mac try both variants and decide what is most suitable for you.
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