
With this tool you can make icon packs installers in exe format.
The installer will work perfectly on Windows 7,8,8.1 both x86 and x64.

The idea was simple enough that we wanted to patch windows dll's exe and other things without messing around.

There is a software available 7tsp which does the same thing, it is pretty cool but why one should prefer iPack builder over 7tsp is:
-More reliable scripting
-Faster method.
-Advance installer
-You don't need any other software to install the pack.
-Simple interface, just click on buttons and install the pack.
-Packs built with iPack Builder and for 7tsp are nearly of same size.
-7tsp cannot patch in Program files folders (only wmplayer I guess) but with iPacks you can patch in program files folder also
-iPacks are smart enough to check if x64 windows, if found x64 windows then it will patch both x86 and x64 dll files.
-You don't need to reboot every time. Installer is smart enough to detect if system requires a reboot.



Assassin's Creed IV HD SkinPack 2.0 for Win7
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  1. Phil August 10, 2014 at 5:41 am - Reply

    Can you send it to my e-mail? because it won’t download!

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